Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Is water really that important?

           Everything on this earth needs water: plants, animals, insects, and humans. It is atop the short list of things that separate our planet from every other planet in the known universe. Without it – life itself could not exist. No, I’m not here to talk about the physical evidence for water’s importance, but I will give some key facts as to why hydrating your body every day is one of the best favors you can do for yourself, and why without it – you’d be better off dead!
            Second only to oxygen, water’s importance is paramount to the nutrition of the human body, we can only live 3-7 days without it! Water is the primary component of all of our cells, tissues and blood. Even our most vital organs: lungs, blood and brain are made up of water by almost 80-95% as well as ¾ of our muscles are made of water. Water makes up the basis of our saliva and joint fluid, as well as the body’s natural lubricant. Water even plays a major role in the maintenance and regulation of several systems in our body: pH balance, metabolism, circulation, respiration, excretion, neurological function, and body temperature! In correlation with water’s assistance of these systems, proper hydration has been known to reduce symptoms in each of the following diseases and conditions: heartburn, arthritis, back pain, angina, migraines, colitis, asthma, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol. The body’s cries for water are often misinterpreted as hunger pangs since most of our water needs tend to be satisfied by food. Drinking water is a great way to satisfy hunger! Although protein provides the framework for our bodies, fats provide protection, and carbs provide the energy, it all depends on water to make it all function properly!
            Despite the overwhelming necessity of water, about 75% of those living in the United States are chronically dehydrated! Dehydration is when you have a 1% or more loss of optimum body water content. By the time you are thirsty, you are already moderately dehydrated (4-5% below optimum body water content) Dehydration can be fatal, and can even cause irreversible brain and digestive damage. Once your body drops 2% below optimum levels of water, severe fatigue, short-term memory loss, and a slight reduction of physical and mental performance set in. At 4-5% there is a decrease in work and physical performance by almost 25%. Once you drop 10% below optimum water content it is considered a medical emergency and it is highly recommended to seek professional help. The most common nutritional advice given to anyone struggling with weight issues or health issues, is drink more water – we cannot rely on our thirst mechanism.
            The rule of thumb for adequate water intake is somewhere between ½ to 1oz of water per pound of body weight. This will immediately sound like a lot to most individuals, it is something to work towards – not something you need to accomplish overnight. You will use the restroom more often but eventually that urge will subside and your body will auto-regulate and you wont be a slave to the bathroom. Making sure that you carry enough water with you at all times will reduce excuses and also be a constant reminder to continue to drink throughout the day. It is also imperative to drink another 6-12oz per 20 minutes of exercise to replenish what you lose while working out. Beware, coffee, tea, and sodas are diuretics and cause more overall loss of fluids rather as opposed to a gain of fluid. Sports drinks and sugary beverages may not be diuretics, but they are excess calories that hold less nutritional value than food and should be limited for overall health.
            When it comes to health advice, first and foremost everyone should drink more water. The majority of our bodies are made up of water; it plays a major role in the maintenance and function of almost every aspect of our bodies. Water has been known to help curb both hunger and disease. Although it plays such a huge role, a large majority of individuals in the United States are considered dehydrated. Dehydration can severely impair day-to-day functions and should be combatted vigorously by drinking all day, every day. To stay happy and healthy, stay hydrated.

Rarely is the need for anything in life ever more than what we want. 
Remember that and indulge in water!

NAFC. Nutrition Coach Foundations. 3rd ed. Vol. 1. National Association of Fitness Certifications. 2014. Web. 7 Nov. 2014.

Ericson, John. "75% of Americans May Suffer From Chronic Dehydration, According to Doctors." Medical Daily. N.p., 03 July 2013. Web. 20 Aug. 2016.

Popkin, Barry, Kristen D'Anci, and Irwin Rosenberg. "Water, Hydration and Health." Nutrition Reviews 68.8 (2010): 439-58. PMC. Web. 24 Aug. 2016.

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